Dear Marc,

If you "must" exceed 1000 filesets because you are assigning each project to 
its own fileset, my suggestion is this:

Yes, there are scaling/performance/manageability benefits to using mmbackup 
over independent filesets.

But maybe you don't need 10,000 independent filesets --
maybe you can hash or otherwise randomly assign projects that each have their 
own (dependent) fileset name to a lesser number of independent filesets that 
will serve as management groups for (mm)backup...

OK, if that might be doable, whats then the performance impact of having to 
specify Include/Exclude lists for each independent fileset in order to specify 
which dependent fileset should be backed up and which one not?
I don’t remember exactly, but I think I’ve heard at some time, that 
Include/Exclude and mmbackup have to be used with caution. And the same 
question holds true for running mmapplypolicy for a “job” on a single dependent 
fileset? Is the scan runtime linear to the size of the underlying independent 
fileset or are there some optimisations when I just want to scan a 
subfolder/dependent fileset of an independent one?

Like many things in life, sometimes compromises are necessary!

Hmm, can I reference this next time, when we negotiate Scale License pricing 
with the ISS sales people? ;)

Best Regards,
Stephan Peinkofer

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