Am 23.03.20 um 15:25 schrieb gege:
> Dear professor Peixoto, 
> Thank you for reply!
>  The dynamic example in the document sets 100 initial infected points and
> iterates for 10 times simultaneously. So the epidemic process is ongoing on
> a network and time T belongs to [0,9]. Then the time series is copied to a
> same but masked network. Am I correct? 

In the example in the documentation the time series is copied to an
empty graph, which will be the starting point of the reconstruction.

> But I still wonder how to control the
> number of infected events per node. I noted that infected nodes are randomly
> selected. 

This is not controlled explicitly; after you generate the time series
you count the number of times each node flipped, and you average.

> Moreover, Should I set like this for the Ising model?
> "
> for i in range(1000):
>     si_state = gt.IsingGlauberState(g, beta=.02)
>     s = [si_state.get_state().copy()]
>     si_state.iterate_async()
>     s.append(si_state.get_state().copy())
>     # Each time series should be represented as a single vector-valued
>     # vertex property map with the states for each note at each time.
>     s = gt.group_vector_property(s)
>     ss.append(s)
> " 

Since the Ising reconstruction expects uncorrelated samples, I think
it's best to use only one "time series", i.e.

si_state = gt.IsingGlauberState(g, beta=.02)
ss = [si_state.get_state().copy()]

for i in range(1000):

ss = gt.group_vector_property(ss)


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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