Helena wrote:
>>  As we are going through the class material I have noticed 
>> that in GRASS7  in r.resample.interp method bilinear was
>> changed to linear and bicubic was changed to cubic.

> for the record, there was a discussion about that a while
> ago [1]. So probably we will to open this discussion again.
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2013-May/063855.html

Hi all and happy new year.

for my 2c wrt interpolations I seem to come across "bilinear" in the 
world-beyond grass more commonly, and to me it makes more sense.
Is the "bicubic" truly considering x and y separately? i.e. is it actually 
correct to use the "bi-" prefix with it? If it's more of a buffer operation, 
cubic might be better.

but whatever is chosen, consistency in use is good to help with the learning 
curves. I wouldn't object to bilinear + cubic though if each was considered 
best in its class.


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