Maybe I am misunderstanding the concept of mapsets.
And that the develpers meat mapsets to provide this kind of functionality.
I read the basic explanation at:

So for testing new data or methods, I definately should use a new /mapset/ and not a new /location/ if I intent to use the result later in the main project (with the same projection).

So what remains as open question:
How do I get my data from the testing location into the location my main project location?
By file system based copying?

Then, I hope that the GRASS 7 vector format will not store the attribute table in a direcory separate from the geographica information.

So will removing a mapset also automatically remove all datasets that belong to it?
Why does the g.mapset command ( not contain a remove option?

Imagine a shared location with common data such as world borders or GSHHS. It would not be space efficient to import such large data into every new project. Rather sharing the common location when needed.
I find that your question/thought makes sense. I faced myself this in
the past.
My scenario doesn't really be that unusual:

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