please keep person's names when you reply. It's easier to follow-up :-).

> > moving from one location to another location (which usually is/should be
> > of another projection) is "safely" done with v.proj. Why use another
> > command for that?

Tim M:
> Then v.proj should support:
> * -r flag for importing only the current region extend

Read also discussion at trac [1]

> * -ship_project flag if source & target locations have the same 
> projection, can also be detected automatically.

Read my post (and bug-ticket) about a similar case [2][3]

> * -d: delete source dataset after successful reprojection

I have the feeling that is not safe (!).

> The same should apply for r.proj

> >>> if you want to mix things you must use multiple mapsets from the
> >>> same location with @othermapset.

> Image the following use case: You have project location.
> Then you would like to test out some new processing workflows or 
> developed a new methodology.
> In order not to pollute the project location with a lot of test rasters, 
> you start a new location to do the testing. Maybe I am
> misunderstanding the concept of mapsets.

Maybe(?). Why not create a test-mapset/test-location within the same

> And that the develpers meat mapsets to provide this kind of functionality.
> So will removing a mapset also automatically remove all datasets that 
> belong to it?

No-way! Only the datasets that the mapset contains.

> >> Imagine a shared location with common data such as world borders or GSHHS.
> >> It would not be space efficient to import such large data into every new 
> >> project. Rather sharing the common location when needed.

> > I find that your question/thought makes sense. I faced myself this in
> > the past. I decided to build a location called ellas (=greece) where I
> > put everything that covers/has to do with greece. From there I "pull" it
> > to wherever required, do what has to be done and erase if not required
> > anymore.

> What command do you use to "pull"?
> v.proj & r.proj?

Pull from a mapset to another mapset within a location is actually

Pull from a location to another location is "v.proj"/"r.proj". because
you (usually) need to re-project.


[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/328


[3] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/675

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