as English is not my native language, I was not able to find place
where in GPL is such requirement. GPL 2.5 section 3. only says
something about providing source with binary version OR provide source
on request for next 3. years OR this part I was not able fully
understand, but it seemed to me, that if I distribute Debian
(binary)+add-ons, I have to provide source for add-ons only. Correct
me if I'm wrong, but IMHO Darrel needs to keep only GRASS/QGIS source
at hand or inside VM image, no download servers et.al.

Sorry for disturbia, me do not spik inglis.

2007/11/5, Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The main requirement with providing binaries of GPL/LGPL software is
> that the source code is available "from the same place" as the
> binaries (i.e. you can't just provide a URL to the source on a
> different site).
> If you're providing a complete VM image including the OS, the
> requirement to provide full source code could be fairly onerous.
> The fact that the software runs on a proprietary OS isn't an issue.
> --
> Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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