Maris Nartiss wrote:

> > The main requirement with providing binaries of GPL/LGPL software is
> > that the source code is available "from the same place" as the
> > binaries (i.e. you can't just provide a URL to the source on a
> > different site).
> >
> > If you're providing a complete VM image including the OS, the
> > requirement to provide full source code could be fairly onerous.
> >
> > The fact that the software runs on a proprietary OS isn't an issue.
> as English is not my native language, I was not able to find place
> where in GPL is such requirement. GPL 2.5 section 3. only says
> something about providing source with binary version OR provide source
> on request for next 3. years OR this part I was not able fully
> understand, but it seemed to me, that if I distribute Debian
> (binary)+add-ons, I have to provide source for add-ons only.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but IMHO Darrel needs to keep only
> GRASS/QGIS source at hand or inside VM image, no download servers

No. Note that Darrel was talking about providing a "VM image", i.e. a
complete system including the OS as well as GRASS/QGIS:

" I have built an Ubuntu/GRASS6.3/QGIS VM for virtual box which I
" could upload to my website for downloading if anyone is interested?

The contents would be roughly similar to an ISO image for a LiveCD,
except that it's designed to be used directly rather than as a source
from which to install.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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