Dear List,

I have trouble with the module and character encoding in the legend. I 
have french characters (é,è and others) as a layer label. The layer itself 
was imported from a postgis database, which has a unicode encoding. As far as 
I understand the manual for, you need your mapping instructions file 
encoded to ISO-8859-1. At the end of the manual is the appropriate command 
listed. so far so good.
But I use a condition for my vector layer, which has the layer name as where 
clause term. Converting my mapping instructions file to ISO-8859-1 gives me 
another error, with the result that the layer cannot be drawn and 
exits. Here's the error: -e input=print.txt
PS-PAINT: scale set to 1 : 360512.
PS-PAINT: reading raster file <dgm in PERMANENT> ...
PS-PAINT: reading vector points file <sites in PERMANENT> ...DBMI-Postgres 
driver error:
Cannot select:
SELECT id FROM sites WHERE epoch = 'M�solithique'
ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe9736f
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the 
encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".

Any help is greatly appreciated


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