Frank Broniewski wrote:
> You mentioned, that text is "embedded verbatim in the PostScript file.".
> Well, so I opened my postscript file in my editor, changed the encoding
> to ISO-8859-1 and replaced the character garbage with my desired ones.
> Et Voila, here it works now.

Yes, in the past I have done the same to add (c), degree, mu (micro-u) into 
the PostScript output in my editor when Gnometerm didn't like those chars in
the shell.

> You mentioned, will be superseded in the future, but what will the 
> replacement be? I just ask, because today I had lots of trouble getting my  
> GIS data printed in a good quality with all the elements a map needs; 
> legends, north arrows and scalebars and such. I tried QGIS, but there is an 
> export error in relation to QT making labels and lines oversized. And there 
> are more problems concerning classification of data. I tried uDig, but I 
> really don't understand the workflow there and customizing is so xml'ish. So 
> I remembered my days at university where we were working with the Arcinfo 
> equivalent of, whatever it name was, don't remember anymore. 
> just made my day today.

Well, as long as it is useful and the replacement hasn't surpassed it,
will be maintained. I don't expect there to be much in the way of new
development*, but I'll keep fixing bugs & adding small features as needed by my
work. ie it is in maintenance mode, but not abandoned.

* Other than a nice new wxPython composer frontend, which I'd like to see for
GRASS 6.4. :)

GRASS 7's new display architecture should make it much easier to have a good


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