On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 6:41 AM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schrei...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Am 02.04.2024 um 10:21 schrieb Brian Revell:
> Allin
> thanks for the lead ..
> Here's what resulted.....
> gretl console: type 'help' for a list of commands
> ? include StrucBreak.gfn
>  C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Roaming\gretl\functions\StrucBreak\StrucBreak.gfn
> ? pkg query StrucBreak
> File: C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Roaming\gretl\functions\StrucBreak\StrucBreak.gfn
> Package: StrucBreak 0.91 (2021-07-20)
> Then I guess there must be some stale StrucBreak version on your system, and 
> somehow gretl is picking that in the GUI context. It clearly shouldn't do 
> that, but perhaps you could try doing a file search on your computer for 
> other occurrences of the StrucBreak.gfn file.

If there is a stale version that's getting loaded via the GUI it's
most likely in

C:\Progam Files\gretl\functions\StrucBreak

Deleting that directory should then fix matters. Since the last
release we've made some changes that should prevent this sort of
mix-up from happening.

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