On 05/10/11 01:24, Anthony Kirkham wrote:

I have updated the draft with the extra example as you suggested. I do believe this adds to the clarity.

I made note of the term 'squat space'.

I have not included discuss of implications for an IS-IS hidden core. I agree with your comments, however, I thought that discussion was moving a little away from the core topic.

I agree. Section 11 is starting to grow beyond the original scope of the document.



    Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, "We've always
done it this way." I try to fight that. That's why I have a clock
on my wall that runs counter-clockwise.   -- R.A. Grace Hopper

A. R. Ivanov
E-mail:  anton.iva...@kot-begemot.co.uk

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