---- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Kirkham" <tkirk...@cisco.com>
To: <grow@ietf.org>; <grow-cha...@tools.ietf.org>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 6:27 AM
Subject: [GROW] Final feedback please - kirkham-private-ip-sp-cores


I have just posted a new draft. There has only been one minor modification.

Filename: draft-kirkham-private-ip-sp-cores
Revision: 06
Title: Issues with Private IP Addressing in the Internet
Creation date: 2011-09-09
WG ID: Individual Submission
Number of pages: 13

I believe this is ready for publication. Any advice on the next step
would be appreciated.



I notice that you include the grow chairs on your To: list but have not seen any
reply on-list from them.

The simplest way forward is for the chairs to propose, and for the WG to
support, the adoption of the I-D as a WG I-D, which can then be last-called and
submitted to the IESG for consideration.

A harder route is to persuade an AD to take on the task of guiding the I-D
through the IESG and into publication, harder because ADs are busy, overloaded
even, and are likely to prefer the former route as the load is then shared with
WG Chairs and WG.

I would like to see this published and wish it already were, given the current
discussions over the weil and bdqks drafts on OPSAWG.

At the same time, I think it should be polished a little more before submission.
I think that the coverage is fine, but find myself wishing the style was more
robust - I was taught that technical writing avoids adverbs, and here I find
them making the text more uncertain than I think it should be; also I find
myself querying some of the details.

For example, there are AS numbers which should be used as examples in
documentation such as this. I realise that many manufacturers' manuals do not do
this, but we should know better:-)

Likewise, the reference to RFC1918 addresses; is that the only type used, or do
some use eg 240/8 addresses (yes, I know about squatting)?

Leakage; part of the weil/bdqks discussion is around the fact that addresses
always leak, no matter how good your filtering on the periphery.  I would like
to see that called out (I know that RFC1918 addresses end up in the global
tables, I have not seen an analysis of how they got there, but this seems a good

The references need some work; not sure what to do about the nanog reference -
probably take it out into a paragraph somewhere, [RFC3021] is in the text but
not at the end, and I would like a reference for PMTUD, if not for ICMP and
perhaps traceroute.

Tom Petch

Tony K


*Anthony Kirkham*
*Solution Architect

***World Wide Security
Service Practice
tkirk...@cisco.com <mailto:tkirk...@cisco.com>
Phone: *+61 (0)7 3238 8203*
Mobile: *+61 (0)401 890 494*

CISSP, CCIE# - 1378


Level 12, 300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane, Qld, 4000
Cisco home page <http://www.cisco.com/global/AU/>



I have just posted a new draft. There has only been one minor modification.

Filename: draft-kirkham-private-ip-sp-cores
Revision: 06
Title: Issues with Private IP Addressing in the Internet
Creation date: 2011-09-09
WG ID: Individual Submission
Number of pages: 13I believe this is ready for publication. Any advice on the
next step would be appreciated.

Tony K


            Anthony Kirkham
            Solution Architect

            World Wide Security
            Service Practice

            Phone: +61 (0)7 3238 8203
            Mobile: +61 (0)401 890 494

            CISSP, CCIE# - 1378

            Level 12, 300 Adelaide Street
            Brisbane, Qld, 4000
            Cisco home page


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