Hi there again,

I would like to make an additional comment.
The "instructions" in the wiki are only readable in edit-mode.
I just tried to improve on the final step (I talked about just some
ago) but I am so unfamiliar with this wiki-markup that I was not
really getting
anywhere... I helped myself with introducing spaces " " between '<'
and 'div' or 'span'

Also it was nice to start this article (for all coming later), but I
assume it was basically copy-pasted,
thus also the "old" (from 25th of march) suggestion by kralik was

Here's something that works for me:

Add the following to the bottom of !ViewTemplateToolbar in
MonkeyGTDTheme (right before last </div>):

        <span macro="showWhenTaggedAny Action Once">
        <span macro="newSavedTiddler title:'new dependent action'
label:'dependent action' tag:{{'Action Future
[['+config.macros.mgtdList.getRealm()+']] [['+tiddler.title+']]'}}"></

To show dependent actions, add the following to TitleButtons under !
Action and !Tiddler (also right before last </div>):

<div macro="tagglyTagging" class="tagglyTagging"></div>

This works to provide a simple way to add dependent actions to
ticklers or other actions. Not as good as a drop-down box, but it
works well so far.

But this does not really work in conjunction with the dropdown list-
Also it showed some strange behaviour with creating projects out of
actions (maybe just in my case) anyway I would suggest not to include
this in the wiki version.
This it can bring confusion (at least at this point in development)
Nevertheless I am not sure, if it would be fine with you, if I would
have just removed content.

Have a nice day

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