I'd bet this is your best solution. Any decent text editor will let
you do Global find/replace with a "find next" feature where you can
decide whether or not to make each specific replacement.  Since you
will be able to see the nearby tags, it should be pretty easy to
decide.  Do the whole file once for each new realm, (it will keep
getting faster each time through because you're starting with fewer

I'll bet you can have it done in less than 20 minutes, and then use
the realms mismatch view to clean it up.

On Jun 5, 2:09 am, Damian <m...@daminator.com> wrote:
> Manually checking every realm tag in a text editor and changing the
> ones I want to change would be ok if I had a dozen or so tiddlers, but
> I have hundreds of them. Maybe a couple of thousand. I don't see how I
> can make that a usable soloution. It would obviously be fine if I
> wanted to change all of the gags for one realm into a different realm,
> but I want to disperse my main realm into a few different realms.
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