On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 at 17:46, vmagnin <vincent.mag...@libertysurf.fr> wrote:

> I am one of the main authors and administrators, working on the python
> script used to parse the GTK .h header files and generate the Fortran
> interfaces.

Have you considered using the GObject introspection data that GTK itself
generates, instead of your custom parsing code?

> Concerning the "new discourse forum", I am not sure of what you mean. I do
> not see such a forum on this page:
> http://gtk.10911.n7.nabble.com/
> If the "Gtk+ - General" forum is not the good place to post my message, I
> apologize. It just seemed the less bad place for a Fortran thing...

Nabble is a web bridge to various mailing list; the "General" forum maps to
gtk-list@gnome.org, which is going to be de-activated on May 1st, 2019.

It seems Nabble does not respect cross-posting, so you probably haven't
seen the announcement:


The tl;dr of it is: discussions about GTK (and language bindings) have been
moved to Discourse:


and the existing mailing lists will be archived next Wednesday.


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