On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 09:41:45PM +0200, Christophe Fergeau wrote:
> Great, someone fell into my trap :) The fact that you are not local is
> not important at all as long as you have internet access. You say
> you're going to propose an LT, so I guess that means you are planning
> to attend GUADEC, which is perfect (it's more convenient to have the
> person handling the LTs be local during GUADEC imo :)

Thanks Mario!

> As for being the recipient of LT PDFs (this also involves making sure
> people know they have to send you their LT PDF in time), that's fine
> with me. However, it feels safer to have these PDFs stored in some
> kind of "shared" storage in case real life gets in the way (eg
> volcanic ashes prevent you from flying to GUADEC and cuts off your
> internet access).

Hmm, easiest would be $random_webmail inbox ?

> I'm not sure what would be the most convenient way of storing these
> files? Some webserver somewhere (which one)? Some modern cloud storage
> stuff? gnome-papers mailing list archives? Something else?

On the wiki at live.gnome.org ? We might want to look into locking access
to those files then, which i'm sure is possible.



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