
> I haven't managed to isolate it properly but I observed some strange 
> problem with "concatenate" (using my "aiscm" library).

>      (define-method (match (i <integer>) . args) ...)
>      ...
>      (apply match (concatenate (list (list 1) (list 2 2 3 4 5 6 ))))
>      oop/goops.scm:1336:2: oop/goops.scm:1336:2: In procedure vector-ref: 
> Value
> out of range: 7

        impossible to help you on this because the snipset is incomplete
        please provide a complete match definition

Also, I think match is really a 'problematic' name, because it is defined in
(ice-9 match), and most of us almost  always import this module.


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