Hello Jan,

>      (use-modules (oop goops))
>      (define-generic native-type)
>      (define-method (native-type (i <integer>) . args) 0)
>      (define-method (native-type (i <real>) . args) 1)
>      (define-method (native-type (b <boolean>) . args) 2)
>      (native-type 1)
>      (native-type 1.3)
>      (native-type #f)
>      (native-type 1 1.2)
>      (native-type 1.4 2)
>      (native-type 1.4 2 3)

This works fine using 2.0.12, but indeed it fails using master [2.1.4 here]

Please report bug,  bug-guile at gnu dot org, with this snipset and the bug 
mentioning it works using 2.0.12, fails using master.


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