Hello Tatiana,

Tatiana Sholokhova <tanja201...@gmail.com> skribis:

> I'm Tatiana, I'm a GSoC intern. Now, I'm pursuing my master degree
> in Computer Science at Moscow State University.
> My project in GSoC is implementation web interface analogous to Hydra
> interface.

Thanks for your message, and welcome to Guix!

A good starting point for you will be to take a look at the basic ideas
behind Cuirass: what it does, how it structures information about builds
that it performs (which can be inferred from its database¹).

In terms of Web interface, Danny Milosavljevic wrote a simple HTML page
with JavaScript code that queries Cuirass using its HTTP interface².
You can see it here:


It’s rough on the edges but it gives you an idea.

Anyway, these are the entry points.  Please do get in touch with us as
you start digging into it.  People on the mailing list and on IRC can
help (I’m “civodul” on IRC.)

Happy hacking!  :-)


¹ https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/guix-cuirass.git/tree/src/schema.sql

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