
As far as IRC is concerned you're welcome to take any questions or
conversations that you have there. When people are online it tends to be
faster, and some problems - like live troubleshooting - is better suited to

Personally I ask on IRC when I have a question. If it isn't answered or if my
problem is more complex, or maybe it requires a longer explanation, I'll send
it to the mailing list.

All you really need to try is an IRC client (there are also ones you can run
in your browser). And join server chat.freenode.net (port 6697 (or 6667
without ssl)) and channel #guix

Drop by and say hello if you like.

I'm not familiar with cuirass, so I can't help there, sorry. But good luck!

On Sun, 13 May 2018 21:45:04 +0300
Tatiana Sholokhova <tanja201...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you for your help and the provided resources which are very useful
> for me at the first stage of the project.
> I have built Cuirass on my local computer but I have encountered a few
> problems while doing it. It turned out that I had an old version of
> guile-sqlite3 installed by guix. I have spent some time discovering this
> issue. Eventually, I've found that all I had to do is to update guix
> packages list invoking "guix pull" and then update the packages.
> Unfortunately, I have no experience of IRC usage and I'm not sure how to do
> in a proper way. Of course, I would like to communicate with the community,
> but I'm not sure which discussions are relevant in the IRC. For instance,
> could I ask questions on building issues similar to ones I've encountered?
> I have taken a look at Danny's Cuirass frontend application. Now I try to
> run it locally. I have already figured out that I need to change URLPREFIX
> and name of the repository and the branch in the code. But I still can't
> get it working. According to the browser console, all the queries to
> localhost sent by js receive following error:
> "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
> resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access."
> But similar queries work well if I enter them manually via the browser or
> curl. Could you give me any hints on that?
> Best regards,
> Tatiana
> 2018-05-09 20:21 GMT+03:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net>:
> > Hi Tatiana,
> >
> > we haven’t heard from you since about a week, nor have I seen you on
> > IRC.  (Granted, I was offline for some time, so I probably just missed
> > your introduction.)
> >
> > The official so-called “community bonding period” of GSoC is soon coming
> > to an end, and it would be advisable to use the remaining time before
> > coding begins for some community bonding :)
> >
> > I’d like to repeat that frequent communication is the key to a
> > successful GSoC project.  If you have any questions about the project,
> > the code, or how to proceed, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Ricardo
> >
> >  

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