On 2/26/23 18:43, Philip McGrath wrote:

On Sunday, February 26, 2023 7:44:20 AM EST Andreas Enge wrote:

In any case, I realised that we are still compiling most packages (including
KDE) with Qt 5, which is seriously outdated (not maintained any more in the
free version since May 2021). Qt 6.3 support will end in April 2023, that
of the current version Qt 6.4 in September 2023. So we have the work carved
out for a (yet to be created) Qt/KDE team.

Note that KDE maintains a patch collection for Qt 5.15:

There was an announcement here:

Patches are exclusively backports of bugfixes that have already been committed
to upstream Qt 6, except that patches for Qt 5.15 components removed in Qt 6
are also accepted. The patches are curated by a small group of KDE developers
who also have commit privileges in the upstream Qt Project (as distinct from
the Qt Company).

I think out Qt 5 packages should be based on the KDE patch collection.

The patches are maintained in Git repositories with the same structure as
upstream Qt. They could be extracted with `git format-patch v5.15.3-lts-
lgpl..origin/kde/5.15` and added to "gnu/packages/patches/", or we could just
change the origins for Qt 5 to point to KDE's repositories, e.g. this one for
qt-base: https://invent.kde.org/qt/qt/qtbase/-/tree/kde/5.15

The KDE patchset moves quickly and does not have tagged releases. If that proves difficult we could also just bump the QT5 version to 5.15.8, which is freely available.

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