In the context of security problems and package removal, I just noticed
(by "./pre-inst-env guix package -A ^qt") that we still have a qtwebkit
package. The latest release dates from 2020, and this also the last
release, if I understand correctly that the project has been abandoned.

Building the following 31 packages would ensure 43 dependent packages are 
rebuilt: kdewebkit@5.98.0 psi@1.5 lmms@1.2.2 python-pymol@2.5.0 hplip@3.22.4 
toutenclic@7.00 cura@4.13.1 electron-cash@4.2.12 trezor-agent@0.14.4 
electrum@4.3.2 frescobaldi@3.1.3 flyer-composer@1.0rc2 
rapid-photo-downloader@0.9.18 asymptote@2.84 python-woob@3.0 orange@3.32.0 
pyzo@4.12.4 offlate@0.6.1 qgis@3.26.2 openmolar@1.0.15-gd81f9e5 autokey@0.95.10 
nanovna-saver@0.5.3 qspectrumanalyzer@2.1.0 gnss-sdr@0.0.17 gqrx@2.15.9 
urh@2.9.3 python-setools@4.4.0 plover@4.0.0.dev12 manuskript@0.14.0 dream@2.2 

So it looks like there is some work ahead to update or remove these packages.


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