If possible I think it would be a really good idea for participants (or as many as feasible) to put up a little web page and just give the link to the coordinator. They can then list their ten favorite colors and their five allergies without increasing the coordinator's work load. In addition to the info contained on their regular website--presumably if someone's regular site has dress diaries for their Viking costumes people can figure out they like that era without being told much about that on the gift list. I'm talking a simple list here; but if, for example, someone morally objects to wearing fur, and also has no moral objection to animal fibers but is allergic to mohair only, just that gets too complicated for the "one dislike" slot on a list.
And then they could just give the link to the coordinator.

While it's kind of tacky for people to put so many requests and restrictions on gift lists that it's practically a mail order, most of us know by heart our various friends' and relations' allergies, favorite colors, etc., so the holiday season is just a matter of finding out what they want or need this year. Which is not true of a stranger.

On the other hand, of course gift situations always involve the risk of getting or giving something unwanted and knowing it's the thought that counts.

If people are worried about monetary value or gift-making time, we could just make it a "stash and duplicate tool/book/etc." gift exchange. Giving, of course, something in new condition that we really believe the recipient would want. Just the giver faced up to the fact that they themselves shouldn't wear that color fabric; or they somehow acquired two copies of a perfectly good book or DVD and one is still new; or they have several yards of lovely trim that it looks like they'll never use in their lifetime; that kind of thing. So people could give something perfectly nice without spending anything but postage.

Lavolta Press

Carol Kocian wrote:

I would like to participate in this also, but wouldnt there be problems?
If i get someone who has interrest in medieval, i would not be much helpfull, have never done any medieval and what then?

It's funny that some people are suggesting gift categories without even getting a recipient! If Bjarne got a name of someone who likes medieval, for example, he could go to a museum shop and get some post cards of medieval paintings with costume. The person would likely not be from the same country, and probably not be familiar with those paintings.

The idea of a $10 limit is that it's a token, and a cultural exchange. Much as we admire each other's work, I would not expect someone to make something that would sell for $50, even if it only contained $5 worth of materials. Time is valuable too, and especially close to the holidays when a lot of people are shopping for/making gifts for family and friends already.

I like the idea of several "clues" that someone suggested earlier - besides time period(s), also a favorite color and animal, and maybe another thing or two? Maybe one dislike, such as "nothing gray" or "allergic to wool".

Say somebody lists 5th century, red and dragons. The giver might find a stack of postcards, or a red dragon figurine, or a yard of white linen (which is not specific to any of the clues but a 5th century person could use it). You may decide to shop, or you may have the perfect thing ripening in your fabric & trim stash already.

I think once names are distributed with their clues, a gift idea will be obvious. And if not, perhaps some people with different eras of interest could advise.

It may be more complicated for the organizer, but if some people are concerned about customs or postage perhaps they could specify getting a name of someone in their own country.

     Great idea - take a chance!  Where do we sign up?

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