At 16:26 17/01/2006, you wrote:
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My sleeves are cut completely on the bias with a
> gusset in the seam line.. sorta between the sleeve
> seam and the arm hole. (I have broad shoulders and
> long arms).
> Or are you asking how to make the cuff part??

Just the cuff. The rest of the sleeve is (in theory)

When I make cuffed sleeves, I simply cut them on the bias, and add enough length at the wrist to turn up to make the cuff. I fully line the sleeves. That way you can wear them knuckle length *and* turned back. I don't think I left them open at the wrist either - the bias cut gives quite a bit, enough to slip your hand through unless you have very big bones. Hope that makes sense.


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