> Hi,
> I would like to have your oppinions about the fitting of the stays on my
> lady.
> My lady wich also sew for herself, says they fit perfect, but i  am not
> sattisfied.
> When you look at the profile picture, you clearly see that the stays are
> two
> big at the tip of the breast.. I would remake it, by reducing the front
> piece at the curved sides at the armhole, this would push in the front a
> little more.
> Am i wrong?
> Please take a look its here:
> http://home0.inet.tele.dk/drewscph/anglaise.htm


I agree with you that the top of the corset seems too big.  However, some
ladies have different ideas on how tight they want their corset to fit. 
Perhaps she doesn't want it to be too tight?

It is always hard to balance what people want and what is accurate when we
sew for others.

Maybe tell her what you think and ask her why she doesn't feel that it is
too big in front?

Good luck! The project so far looks lovely.


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