The "bloomers" were also called hose in England, though often with a modifier to denote the style: trunk hose, round hose, Spanish hose, slop hose (sometimes just called slops). The 16th century French- English dictionaries to which I have access call them chausses, and sometimes a modifier is added.

from Palsgrave (1530):
Vnes chausses, a payre of hosen.
Vnes brayes, a payre of sloppes or a payre of breches. [brayes in Cotgrave are defined as underwear, so chausses is probably safer]
Payre of sloppe hoses braiettes a marinier
Schorte hose chausse courte
Payre of hole [sic] from the kne vp demy chausses

from Cotgrave (1611):
Chausse: A hose, a stocking, or netherstocke (Bas de Chausse) also, a breeke, or breech; (in which sence it is most commonly plurall) Haut de chausses.
Chausses a la bougrine.  Strait Venitians without codpeeces.
Chausses a la Garguesque.  Gregges, or Gallogaskins.
Chausses a la gigotte. A fashion of very close Venitians; old fashioned Venitians. Chausses a queue de merlus. Round breeches with strait cannions; hauing in the seat a peece like a fishes tayle; and worn by old men, schollers, and such like niggarlie, or needie, persons. Chausses a Tabourin. Big, out-standing, or out-strouting, breeches; or the Swisse round rose, whose panes resemble the outside of a Taber.

From the rather vague (and technically inaccurate--they're probably paned, not striped) description, it's not certain which of these he wants, though it's likely not either of the Venetian options. The last one looks most likely, given the reference to panes. Let me know if you need accent marks for any of these.


On Jun 26, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Robin Netherton wrote:

A friend asks:

"What do you call those sort of bloomers that men wore with hose in the 16th c in France. They are rounded in outline, striped, come to about mid

Evidently he's looking for a French term, though if there's an obvious
English one I'll send him that as well.


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