On Sep 25, 2007, at 8:02 PM, Sylvia Rognstad wrote:

I thought I had saved it but now I can't find the article someone posted about an ancient beaded Egyptian dress that was discovered some time ago. It included a photo of the garment. I wanted to show my class. Anyone have the link, if it still exists?

There are a couple of dresses (or fragments of dresses) of this type that I've run across. At the moment I'm away from home, so going off what's on the computer, it's cited in "Hall 1981" which I think must be:

Hall, Rosalind. 1981. "Fishing-net dreses in the Petrie Museum" in Göttinger Miszellen: 42:36-46.

But also in:

Hall, Rosalind. 1986. Egyptian Textiles. Shire Publications, Aylesbury. ISBN 0-85263-800-0

which is more likely to have a color photo.


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