On Tuesday 30 December 2008 6:07:59 pm Lyonet wrote:
> Greetings to the list,
> I have spent too much time looking at paintings today and have been
> entranced by this one in particular. The dress is begging to be made
> someday, in my mind.
> http://realmofvenus.renaissanceitaly.net/wardrobe/CARIANISeduction.JPG
> These sleeves look like the sleeve head has been embroidered and then
> cartridge pleated, also at the cuff and then cartridge pleated near the
> elbow area. Am I interpreting this correctly? And I am thinking the bodice
> is with the same treatment but is flat, yes?
> Thanks for any input to my question.

Frankly, to me it looks as though the pleated and trimmed section at the 
armscye is a separate piece, and is not joined to the sleeve at all.  However, 
Italian Ren isn't my main period of interest.

Cathy Raymond <ca...@thyrsus.com>

"If someone offers you a dead dog for lunch, you don't stick around for the 
pudding." --Ben "Yahtzee" Crenshaw

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