Polly is currently half naked wearing the first mockup for my bodice for
this year's Ren faire dress. My embroidery hoop is wearing an 18th century
quilted petticoat in progress.

-Robin Betzhold
On 9/2/09, Cin <cinbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's that time of year!  We're planning for holiday parties, fall &
> winter balls, company dinners, New Years Eve, cocktail parties,12th
> Night and theater season. You might even be planning a sojourn to a
> balmy tropical locale.  Whatever the reason, h-costumers are probably
> making something.  So, what's your dressmaker's dummy wearing today?
> --cin
> Cynthia Barnes
> cinbar...@gmail.com
> PS. It's ok to run into the sewing room, toss something spiffy on the
> dummy and *then* tell us about it. It's also ok to tell what's on your
> worktable, at the sewing machine or in the embroidery hoop.
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