at 12:34 PM, Zuzana Kraemerova<> wrote:

I recently discovered that I need to make myself a warm cloak or outer garment for reenacting events for the 15th century. I was wondering about something like garnache - a warm outer garment with sleeves. Cloaks are much less practical. But the trouble is, I cannot find any sort of such outer garment for 15th century women! Does any of you know of some illustrations or written evidence that would help me? Time and location doesn't matter much as anything will help me, but if you insist, I'm acting as a mid 15th century middle class woman from France.

This is the general era when women are often depicted in heavy woolen gowns with full linings of fur. Being middle class would affect what type of fur might be used, but I believe the general idea would still be applicable.

For cold conditions, might it be that a heavier, warmer outer layer - rather than an additional over-layer - would be appropriate for your purposes?

Heather Rose Jones
h-costume mailing list

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