
The ruffler foot is great; it can make series of tucks so quickly. I was astounded by the price Bernina asks for it (considering it was invented over 100 years ago) but it's an essential tool for costuming. Imagine how happy your petticoats will be.

==Marjorie Wilser

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Three Toad Press

On Sep 4, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Lavolta Press wrote:

I asked a local store to order the Bernina 1008--they only had one and they just sold it. It will arrive in about a week. I am thinking of getting the ruffler foot in addition to the basic set of feet, so I can make Victorian trimmings faster. Anyone have anything else to recommend where a special foot is really useful, in terms of historic costuming? I have never been a foot collector. I am open to the idea, but many of the Bernina feet basically seem designed to help you sew in more precise lines. Precise sewing is great but I'd rather do it without spending $$$$ on lots of special feet.

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