Replying to the list too because I bet many other people will have the
same questions...

> The crux of my problem seems to be the mySQL part. The installation calls
> for a database not a table.

It doesn't matter that much -- you can alter the drupal config to use
whatever database you want, and mysql allows you to set permissions on a
table-by-table basis.

First, load in the drupal table defs from the 'SQL' tab of your database
-- just upload the file. Next, if possible and desired, create a new
user: from the front page of phpmyadmin, click 'Users' (in the middle of
the left hand col of links on my version, 2.3.0). Then create a new user
with no permissions. Last, add full privileges for the new user on all
of the drupal tables, but none of the blog tables. There are a lot of
drupal tables, so this won't be very much fun. :/

Alternatively, stop after the first step, and use the same username and
password that mt uses from drupal; drupal won't access your mt tables.
The drupal tables and mt tables can happily coexist (they don't share
any table names), and using the same user and password from both
applications is only a very minor security loss over using a different
user from each -- especially since (I'd guess) mt is using the default
full-access user anyway. And there's also a pretty good chance that your
hosting company doesn't give you permission to create new users anyway.

Hope this helps,


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