But what if a user wants to see all the city specific media?  Or state
specific media?  Wouldn't it make sense to have each node and state node
have a repository keeping track of the media specific to their
communities for community media collaboration?

Sure there is going to be a lot of media development going on a network
wide level - but my precognition is a significant portion of media and
media collaboration will take place on local nodes, or state nodes.

It makes no sense making people who want to put together a Pittsburgh
flier go through DMT to work on it... Although they should be able to go
to DMT to download / browse other city specific media and talk with
other network wide media creators.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ka-Ping Yee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:12 PM
To: zachary rosen
Subject: Re: [hackers] Dean Media Network

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, zachary rosen wrote:
> But.... perhaps she notices that the teachers for dean node is hosting

> the video (and its link was aggregated from their site) so she clicks 
> in the link back to the teachers for dean website that has a whole 
> article on the video, as well as threaded disucssions talking about 
> the video and the topics it discusses.  She prints out the discussions

> to take with her to the teachers meeting and signs up to particpate on

> the node in future discussions, and checks it regularly for new 
> videos.

All of this is possible in the model i described.  And it isn't even
necessary for the Teachers for Dean node to host the video -- the host
and the discussion [or many discussions] can all be in different places.

The story would go like this: somebody shoots the footage at the Dean
event and posts it on their own site or any web host with sufficient

If they decide to use DMT for collaboration, they open a project there
and put the URL to the footage in the project.  Other talented creative
people edit and produce the video, possibly coordinating their efforts
at DMT, possibly working together in other ways.  When they have a final
product, they post it wherever they have space available.  If they are
using DMT for coordination, they post a link to the final version there.

They then post an article announcing their finished product, including a
URL to the final result.  The article is syndicated as usual to other
Dean Community sites, including Teachers for Dean, where a lively
discussion about the video might take place.

If the article contains a URL to DMT instead of a direct URL to the
video file itself, then the readers of the article can use DMT to pick
the appropriate bitrate, file format, and mirror for their needs.

-- ?!ng

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