On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 09:09:24PM +0200, FRIGN wrote:
I know this fork, and with the changes presented in this patch, slock
is just as secure as his version.
The difference is that he for instance implemented ways to upload
webcam images to imgur, send SMS's and auto-shutdown when the user
tries to switch VT's.
I removed media upload and SMS support since those features can easily
be added using a small wrapper script.

I think these changes are not necessary. If somebody tries to change
VT's, so be it! Especially because the shutdown sequence can open other
attack surfaces, which he also took care of mostly, by disallowing the
use of Sysrq in the shutdown sequence. In my opinion, with a strong
password and setting the configs as in the manpage, slock is damn
secure. It honestly took me a few days to analyze the "paranoid" slock
fork to find out that what I did was sufficient.
Setting `DontVTSwitch' in xorg.conf(5) disables this feature completely
whereas chjj's fork (which mine is based on) blocks it in slock only,
which is imho a much saner approach since there are many legitimate
reasons to use multiple virtual terminals.

Same story for `DontZap': I like quickly killing X with Ctrl+Alt+BS
while this should obviously be forbidden on a locked screen.

Best regards,

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