On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 09:48:25PM +0200, FRIGN wrote:
Setting `DontVTSwitch' in xorg.conf(5) disables this feature
completely whereas chjj's fork (which mine is based on) blocks it in
slock only, which is imho a much saner approach since there are many
legitimate reasons to use multiple virtual terminals.

Can you point me to the piece of code that disables VT-switching in
your fork? I couldn't find it.
It's implicitly blocked by capturing the keys being pressed and
executing optional steps such as shutting down upon input.

Same story for `DontZap': I like quickly killing X with Ctrl+Alt+BS
while this should obviously be forbidden on a locked screen.

What you do is call
        system("doas setxkbmap -option &");
which disables Ctrl+Alt+Backspace for the entire session. So you can
only kill your X server until you have locked your screen once. It
won't work afterwards, which sucks and is unpredictable.
Fair point, I shall fix this.

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