On Sun, 24 Oct 2004, Zeev Halevi wrote:

> I want to propose a lecture on a free software project called OpenNMS:
> http://www.opennms.org
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/opennms/
> It's an amazing "enterprise-grade" Network management framework that is
> becoming a significant playerin the NMS market.
> We in Vyyo use it for our NMS solution and we look for a way to share
> our experience with others.

hear hear! (even if it _is_ a java project....) as long as you get into
technical details (not only what it can do, but how it's done).

note, however, that you're tackling an issue that was never discussed in
haifux - NMS systems. as such, you should assume lack of background
knowledge in this area by the listeners, so you'll have to talk about
basic principles, assuming you don't want to be too shallow. we're quite
happy to get lecture-serieses too ;)

> I'll be in the lecture tomorrow so we can talk about it.

this is haifux - there's no need to make formal discussions. you propose
somehting, several people say "i want to hear that", you get the next slot
assigned (or later if you need more time), and that's it.


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 or dial 0, and please hold, for the creator." -- nob o. dy

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