Alon Altman wrote:

The linux day should not be about installing linux anymore. Installing
linux is trivial, and anyone with a basic background in computers can manage this on her own. The problem most people have is with configuration. The #1
problem is connecting to the Internet, a problem unsolved at all in the
linux day in its current format. The next slew of problems all need internet
access to be fixed.

My suggestion is to have a linux configuration day instead.

i remember four years ago when i decided to install linux
and i had very little experience with computers in general
but still managed to install it by myself (any one with a brain can do it )
but it took me one whole year from the point i connected to hot cables
until i managed to configure pppd and had to suffer using windows
for all that time
so i agree : install party ->very stupid , configuration party->great idea

and all that mambo jambo about choosing one distribution sucks too
the point of having different distributions is that every one should
choose for himself what suite him not some group choosing a
distribution for all the others

(yes), but the person in charge was to incompotent to exploit this.

why should someone be in charge of anything ?
it should be a community effort

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