How about starting your CS BSc instead? The open U is free for all, even if
you do not have the bagrut yet, and the Technion has special programs for
good students - some start at 16 or earlier.

2011/2/20 amichay p. k. <>

> Hi,
> I consider these days to start learning computer technician course.
> This course is MCTIP by Microsoft, + free Linux course.
> Total of 252 + 64 hours, + Microsoft and LPIC 1 + 2 exams.
> The price is 11,700, including everything.
> Do you have any idea whether I should study the course?
> You know what the price range for similar courses?
> Any advice?
> Thanks, Amichay
> --
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> "the debate isn't security versus privacy. It's liberty versus control"
> Bruce Schneier
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