
Here is the full config file. I redacted the IP addresses:

    maxconn 500

    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    timeout connect 10000ms
    timeout client 50000ms
    timeout server 50000ms

frontend http-in
    bind localhost:80

    acl is_webapp path_beg /webapp
    acl is_jboss path_beg /jboss

    use_backend webapp if is_webapp
    use_backend jboss if is_jboss

backend webapp
  balance roundrobin
  cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
  server server1 x.x.x.x/webapp maxconn 500 check cookie s1
  server server2 x.x.x.x/webapp maxconn 500 check cookie s2

backend jboss
  balance roundrobin
  server immutant x.x.x.x/demo check

listen admin
  bind *:8080
  stats enable

PiBa-NL, to answer your question, yes, I get the same error if I go to
jbossserver/jboss. What I was trying to do is if I go to
http://haproxy/jboss, it forwards me to http://jbossserver/demo, and if I
go to http://haproxy/webapp, it would take me to http://webappserver/

Now that you mentioned it, I think I am just not understanding how it all
ties in. What would I need to do to get it to work this way. Is it possible
to achieve this without modifying the apps that are deployed in the backend?



On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 5:49 PM, PiBa-NL <piba.nl....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ahmed,
> small question/clarification request.
> what happens when you directly browse to the jboss backend? like this
> http://jbosserver/jboss/ do you get this same "not found" ?
> So haproxy is then forwarding the request like it should, but what i think
> you want is that haproxy will forward a request to
> http://haproxy/jboss/index.**html <http://haproxy/jboss/index.html> to
> http://jbossserver/index.html , is that indeed what you want/expect? im
> not sure thats actually possible.. (also thinking about links send in a
> response would not point to the subfolder.)
> greets PiBa-NL
> Op 19-6-2013 23:26, Lukas Tribus schreef:
>  Hi Ahmed!
>>  Any suggestions?
>> Post the complete configuration, inlcuding default, global and all backend
>> sections (checking mode http, httpclose, etc). If that doesn't lead to any
>> conclusion, we will need you to start haproxy in debug mode, capture the
>> request and post it on the list, so we can confront it with the
>> configuration.
>> Regards,
>> Lukas

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