Hi RĂ©mi!

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 03:24:13PM +0200, Remi Gacogne wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> After good remarks from Willy and Emeric, here is a new version of the
> previous patch, including the following changes:
> - tune.ssl.default-dh-param does not accept a value of less than 1024
> anymore ;
> - a comment explaining why we use the certificate key size and not the
> keylen value supplied by OpenSSL in the EDH callback has been added ;
> - we don't use OpenSSL's private constants but rather the cipher name to
> determine if at least one cipher using an ephemeral diffie-hellman key
> exchange is in use ;
> - the warning indicating that tune.ssl-default-dh-param is not set could
> have been displayed even if static DH parameters were supplied in the
> certificate file. This has now been fixed.

That's really nice, I've just applied it with Emeric's approval.


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