On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 06:29:33PM +0200, Remi Gacogne wrote:
> > Yes I think it's better exactly for the reason you reported (inconsistent
> > naming over time). I'm having a hard time believing that Kx=DH has any
> > reason to change as often as the internal bitfields or cipher names given
> > that the output is even documented in the man page.
> Well, I really hope you're right.

Oh, I'm not worried because I'm not speculating but basing my point on history.
This output format has not changed once since at least OpenSSL 0.9.1 introduced
16 years ago. So I tend to think it will not change all of a sudden. That's the
reason why I felt it was safer. Of course, like you I prefer to compare bits
than strings :-/

> This patch looks in the cipher's description instead of its name.

Great, thank you, I've just merged it.

> Sorry about the mess.

No problem, I know very well that patches tend to be merged in two steps, first
the feature itself is merged, then the pressure builds and it leads to "hmmm
oops, I think I forgot this... ah sh*t". And I'm a good practicer of this :-)

Thanks RĂ©mi!

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