
> I'm not currently sure on the JRE version. These are Android clients
> written with a old Android SDK. All new clients are C++ / OpenSSL
> based.
> I have set the DH param size to 1024 with the same results.
> Additionally, I set up a bind statement that reflects that of the
> backward compatibility link you provided from Mozilla. Again, with no
> luck.
> Attached two pcap files:
> haproxy_1.pcap: Capture of client against HAProxy with the target
> configuration I started with + 1024 DH param. HAProxy is @
> here
> haproxy_2.pcap: Capture of the client against OpenSSL s_server run as such:
> openssl s_server -accept 443 -cert
> ~/Downloads/json_rpc_server_cert_and_key.pem -msg -debug -state.
> s_client is @ here

There's some confusion here.

For the sake of clarity, please, for the time being, use the Mozilla cipher
recommendations, and configure your bind line *exactly* like this (don't
specify the named curves, just configure the ciphers without any additional


and provide the pcap file of the failed handshake of *that* specific
configuration, not your original configuration.

"verify optional" on the bind line will certainly upset buggy clients, because
the server will ask the client to provide a certificate, don't use it when
troubleshooting SSL problems that are unrelated to client cert auth.

I don't see any SPDY traffic in the traces either ...




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