Hi again Thierry,

Le 01/03/2015 18:22, Cyril Bonté a écrit :
I think I'll try some LUA scripts before the end of the week-end (which
is approaching too quickly) ;-)

OK, I could play with some Lua scripts.
I could declare some custom sample fetches, from which I could call internal fetches ;-) And that's where I also could raise some segfaults, when I use sample fetches that don't require arguments (for example "req_ver").

A simple Lua script which reproduces the segfault :
core.register_fetches("hello", function(txn, ...)
  return txn.req_ver(txn)

With this haproxy configuration :
   lua-load hello_world.lua

listen proxy
   mode http
   http-request redirect location /%[lua.hello]

The time for me to commit and I'll send the fix.

Cyril Bonté

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