On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 02:58:51PM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> ./haproxy-dconv.py -i ../haproxy/doc/intro.txt  -o
> /tmp/haproxy-intro/intro.html
> Importing /home/pparissis/repo/haproxy/doc/intro.txt...
> Line `1358' exceeds 80 columns
> Parsing chapter ...
> Parsing chapter Summary...
> Parsing chapter Available documentation...
> Parsing chapter Quick introduction to load balancing and load balancers...
> Parsing chapter Introduction to HAProxy...
> Parsing chapter What HAProxy is and is not...
> Parsing chapter How HAProxy works...
> Parsing chapter Basic features...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Proxying...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : SSL...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Monitoring...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : High availability...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Load balancing...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Stickiness...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Sampling and converting information...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Maps...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : ACLs and conditions...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Content switching...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Stick-tables...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Formated strings...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : HTTP rewriting and redirection...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Server protection...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Logging...
> Parsing chapter Basic features : Statistics...
> Parsing chapter Advanced features...
> Parsing chapter Advanced features : Management...
> Parsing chapter Advanced features : System-specific capabilities...
> Parsing chapter Advanced features : Scripting...
> Parsing chapter Sizing...
> Parsing chapter How to get HAProxy...
> Parsing chapter Companion products and alternatives...
> Parsing chapter Apache HTTP server...
> Parsing chapter NGINX...
> Parsing chapter Varnish...
> Parsing chapter Alternatives...
> Generating keywords links...
> Exporting to /tmp/haproxy-intro/intro.html...
> The attached file is the result. It doesn't look good as it misses some
> css. But, it spotted 1 line which exceeds the column limit.

Well, the result is pretty good. Here I'm having the search box partially
overlap with the text, probably due to a missing logo, but navigation links
work fine and chapters as well. I've just fixed the too long line, thanks
for this.


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