I`m having problems with running haproxy 1.8 on CentOS 7.4 and originally I 
planned to post my setup, logs and more. But while thinking about this I 
started to doubt that what I am trying is correct.
Let me explain what I'm doing, perhaps there is a better approach which solves 
my problem automatically.

I start with a plain install of CentOS 7.4 on which I "yum install" the current 
version that CentOS provides (1.5). Then I replace /usr/sbin/haproxy with a 
statically linked version of haproxy 1.8.3 (statically because I want a newer 
version of openssl 1.1 for example).
This new haproxy runs fine as long as I don't run it with systemd. When I do a 
"systemctl start haproxy" it silently fails to load haproxy.

So my basic first question is: shall I try to (with your help) fix this or 
should I remove the then current haproxy wrapper and have systemd run haproxy 
directly ?

If necessary / helpful I can provide information about my logs and the way I 
compile haproxy, but first I wanted to hear your opinions.

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