Hi Willy,

Op 14-12-2018 om 22:32 schreef Willy Tarreau:
if we manage to get haproxy.org to work reasonably stable this week-
end, it will be a sign that we can release it.

There are still several known issues that should be addressed before 'release' imho.

- Compression corrupts data(Christopher is investigating): https://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg32059.html - Dispatch server crashes haproxy (i found it today): https://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg32078.html - stdout logging makes syslog logging fail (i mentioned it before, but i thought lets 'officially' re-report it now): https://www.mail-archive.com/haproxy@formilux.org/msg32079.html - As you mention haproxy serving the haproxy.org website apparently crashed several times today when you tried a recent build.. I think a week of running without a single crash would be a better indicator than a single week-end that a release could be imminent.?. - Several of the '/checks/' regtests don't work. Might be a problem with varnishtest though, not sure.. But you already discovered that.
And thats just the things i am aware off a.t.m..

I'm usually not 'scared' to run a -dev version on my production box for a while and try a few new experimental features that seem useful to me over a weekend, but i do need to have the idea that it will 'work' as good as the version i update from, and to me it just doesn't seem there yet. (i would really like the compression to be functional before i try again..)

So with still several known bugs to solve imho its not yet a good time to release it as a 'stable' version already in few days time.?. Or did i misunderstand the 'sign' to release, is it one of several signs that needs to be checked.?. I think a -dev11 or perhaps a -RC if someone likes that term, would probably be more appropriate, before distro's start including the new release expecting stability while actually bringing a seemingly largish potential of breaking some features that used to work. So even current new commits are still introducing new breakage, while shortly before release i would expect mostly little fixes to issues to get committed. That 'new' features arn't 100% stable, that might not be a blocker. But existing features that used to work properly should imho not get released in a broken state..

my 2 cent.

PiBa-NL (Pieter)

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