I'm using haproxy 2.0.8 and ssl termination with h2 and http1.1 protocols.
Since today we always used http1.1 on the backends.

I’ve tried to use http2 on the development backend but I get truncated response 
(not always but very often).

Trying to connect from the server running haproxy to the backend server using 
curl with http2 I never get a truncated response.
Client-side I tried with two different browsers.

Any hint on what can cause this ?
Thank you!

Here is the configuration I’m using for the dev frontend/backend

frontend dev
        bind xxxx:80 
        bind xxxx:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/wildcard1.pem crt 
/etc/haproxy/ssl/wildcard2.pem crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/wildcard3.pem alpn 
        acl local_hostname hdr(host) -m beg 10.
        http-request deny if local_hostname

        use_backend dev-ssl-servers if { ssl_fc }
        default_backend dev-servers

backend dev-ssl-servers
        server webdev maxconn 750 proto h2

backend dev-servers
        server webdev maxconn 750 proto h2

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Responsabile Sistemi Informativi

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