On 4/10/2022 8:09 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
I still have config errors.

I figured out why I was getting those errors.  When I stated that the build worked, I had done the "make" command manually.  Then I updated my script and ran that to build and install haproxy. Turns out that I made a mistake in the script, and the build was not getting any of my options, so it was built without OPENSSL and QUIC.  After I fixed the script and ran it again, it is fine with all the ssl and quic options in the config.

After a whole bunch of OTHER config issues dealt with, I now have the following website using http3.  Green lightning bolt in Chrome and orange in Firefox.


About the time that 2.6.2 or 2.6.3 is released, I think I will get rid of the second haproxy service and have one instance of haproxy 2.6 do everything.  I will let others find showstopper bugs in the early 2.6 releases. :)

Qualys doesn't yet do http/3 on their SSL checker page.


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