Hi Istvan,

> Log Message:
> -----------
> 2009-01-02 21:59 UTC+0100 Istvan Bisz (istvan.bisz/at/t-online.hu)
>  * /src/vm/fm.c
>    * Not adequate defitions of the subsequent CRT functions for the MinGW 
> implemetations:
>      #ifndef USE_DL_PREFIX
>      #define dlcalloc               calloc 
>      #define dlfree                 free
>      #define dlmalloc               malloc
>      ...
>      #endif /* USE_DL_PREFIX */
>      The malloc/free CRT functions should'nt be redefined in this way.

Just a general note: It would be nice to see in your 
change descriptions what is actually fixed. I mean what 
was the observed error before the fix.

Now I can't even test it, as it always worked for me 
even so far, don't know how to verify the improvement.

>    * The mesage: "Warning, memory allocated but not released..." is sent on 
> request (//INFO cmdarg).

But this way the text of the message is misleading.
IMO it should only be displayed if there _are_ unreleased blocks.
Saying "Warning, memory allocated but not released: 0 blocks" looks 
like a display bug.

IMO it was good as it was, or I'm missing something.


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