On 2010 Jan 3, at 00:18, Bisz István wrote:

>> Maybe MinGW was the same, but it didn't report it?
> Personally, I reported it several times, sorry.

Until I can see a way to replicating it on any 
system, to me the matter stays shady.

>> Currently above msg will also appear when not compiled 
>> with fmstat. I'll commit a fix.
> OK.
>> Plus we're not using the official C++ allocation override 
>> for HBQT yet, which may be a problem. What do you think?
> Could you please more explicit, regarding this issue.

You're testing HBQT unreleased memory as reported by 
our memory manager, but C++ mode isn't currently fully 
(or at all?) setup to use our own memory allocation 

Here is the complete set which needs to be overridden 
as per QT documentation:

#include "hbapi.h"

void * operator new[]( size_t size )
   return hb_xgrab( size );

void * operator new( size_t size )
   return hb_xgrab( size );

void operator delete[]( void * ptr )
   hb_xfree( ptr );

void operator delete[]( void * ptr, size_t )
   hb_xfree( ptr );

void operator delete( void * ptr )
   hb_xfree( ptr );

void operator delete( void * ptr, size_t )
   hb_xfree( ptr );

I've committed it to fm.c.


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